UPDATED: file restored, updated tags, its should work up to
Working with the products, customers, orders, etc. lists it could be a problem to figure out which one you’ve just viewed or edited. For the most of lists (templates: *_list.twig, the item will be highlighted, after returning back by pressing Cancel or Save.
OpenCart 3 : Maintenance Mode
Unfortunately, being logged-in as Administrator you can forget, that Maintenance Mode is ON and the website is not accessible for the users until your decided to check it from another computer or device and figured out that you had a problem… for a long time.
Background image will be displayed for both back-end and front-end if you put your site in Maintenance Mode, see the screenshot below:
OpenCart : Percentage in Special and Discount
The mod allows you to use absolute value or % for OpenCart Special Price & Discount
- Any number < 1 is considered as a discount in %%, for ex: 0.15 means 15% OFF retail price. The ‘On Sale’ price will be correlated with retail price.
- Special or Discount is greater or equal 1 will be processed as an absolute value.
- The mod will change the priority for Special и Discount. Discount will have higher priority than Special price.
OpenCart 3 : Improved Customer Search
How many time you could not recognize the name and the problem, but you have had a phone number? In OpenCart, there is no way to find the order by phone number. I had this hard coded, but now it’s available as a mod. You will be search the order by name, phone number (only digits) or email