To Whom … is West of UTC (UTC-XX)
- Unable to log-in as the admin
- API (for ex: update order status) calls are not working
All of the above, it will call framework.php
date_default_timezone_set($config->get('date_timezone')); ... // Database if ($config->get('db_autostart')) { // Sync PHP and DB time zones $db->query("SET time_zone = '" . $db->escape(date('P')) . "'"); }
with time_zone from /system/config/default.php
// Date $_['date_timezone' = 'UTC'
Solution 1
Change the default time_zone in /system/config/default.php with yours, for example in my case:
// Date $_['date_timezone'] = 'America/New_York';
Solution 2
Add to the /system/framework.php (above line 83) the following code:
// timezone $query = $db->query("SELECT value FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "setting WHERE key = 'config_timezone'"); if ($query->num_rows) { date_default_timezone_set($query->row['value']); }
Solution 2 cant use DB_PREFIX Undefined variable in
Sorry, for being late. But, isn’t DB_PREFIX in config.php?
Solution 1 worked for me.
Thank you.