WordPress RSS: Add image

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If you would like to show ‘Featured Images’ in WordPress RSS feed, you need to add the following code in functions.php file for your WordPress theme:

add_action('rss2_item', 'add_my_rss_node');
function add_my_rss_node( ) {
  if( has_post_thumbnail() ):
    $thumbnail = wp_get_attachment_url (get_post_thumbnail_id ());
    echo "<image>{$thumbnail}</image>";


REST API + Polylang

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“… none of the offered feeds [RSS does – mine] seem to include information on the language of the content….”

“It is because Frédéric, polylang’s author has not set his taxonomy property ‘show_in_rest’ => true …”

“The plugin author is not planning to add this to the free version. The pro version will get something that could provide for this…”

function wpse_modify_taxonomy() {
    // get the arguments of the already-registered taxonomy
    $language_args = get_taxonomy( 'language' ); // returns an object

    // make changes to the args
    // in this example there are three changes
    // again, note that it's an object
    $language_args->show_in_rest = true;

    // re-register the taxonomy
    register_taxonomy( 'language', 'post', (array) $language_args );
// hook it up to 11 so that it overrides the original register_taxonomy function
add_action( 'init', 'wpse_modify_taxonomy', 11 );

It could be slow, it could be something else, but it works.

Source: How to know the language of a post through the WordPress REST API | WordPress.org

List Of Posts in Images
